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Saturday, 11 April 2015

The Signs of Spirit Possession And How to Avoid it.

Watch this  video ^

The Signs of Spirit Possession are :

1) Hearing a possessing Spirit

2) Seeing an image of a possessing Spirit

3) Blacking out or fainting

4) Going  into a trance

5) Talking or walking differently, or acting in a strange and irrational manner.

6) Speaking in Tongues

7) performing lewd acts

8) Avoiding religious  objects

The concept of spiritual possession exists in many religions, including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Haitian Voodoo, Wicca, and Southeast Asian and African traditions. Possession may be voluntary or involuntary and may be considered to have beneficial or detrimental effects.Those who profess a belief in demonic possession have sometimes ascribed symptoms similar to those associated with mental illnesses such as psychosis. 

Fry  is not sure...

Not sure if Demon Possession is good therapy

Six  Ways on  How to Avoid Spirit Possession :

1) Have a positive and cheerful attitude

2) Maintain harmony  and balance in  your whole self.

3) Avoid negative people and negative places.

4) Remember you  have free will

5) Carry Protection

6) Practice discernment of Spirits.

Or  you could  just ...

That is the end of this blog page

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